File a Complaint:

Please read below prior to filing a complaint.

complaint is an allegation of violation of state license rules or the Resident’s Bill of Rights that may be called into the local Department of Social Services (919-560-8000). Ask to speak with the Adult Home Specialist for the home or to the Division of Facility Services 919-855-4500 or 1-800-624-3004.

A complaint can be about food service, personal care or medications to name a few. If you are not sure, contact the Adult Home Specialist for the home at the Department of Social Services to discuss your concern. Complaints concerning nursing homes should be made directly to the Division of Health Service Regulation at 919-855-4520 as they investigate nursing home complaints.

If the concern is related to abuse, neglect or exploitation of a resident, it is considered as Adult Protective Services and should be reported to the APS Unit. They can be reached at 919-560-8000; ask to talk with the on-call worker for APS. There is also an after hours on-call person that can be reached through 911.

This page allows you to send you concern directly to the Durham County Department of Social Services by email.

If you have a concern at a home, it is usually best to discuss the situation with facility staff. If your concerns are not addressed, contact the Durham County Department of Social Services or the Division of Health Service Regulation.

The Department of Social Services will initiate an evaluation of the concern within five (5) working days. We will complete a written report of our finding that is filed in the home’s record. Substantiated complaints will be listed on this web site under the home’s listings.

If an allegation is substantiated, a corrective action plan will be developed with the home and monitored by the Adult Home Specialist.

Please select the type of facility:

Facility Name:


Name (First & Last):

Phone Number:
